Daily Mass Readings

Today's Mass Readings  - Click Here for today's reading  

Another testimony of Divine Providence
When we talk about Divine Providence, we are acknowledging the hand of God in our lives, guiding, and providing in ways we often cannot foresee. My family's recent experience is a testament to this, a story of faith, answered prayers,…
Winning Family
Our Lord Reigneth. Alleluia!!!
The Lord is my true shepherd,
I have everything I need.
Everything I need he gives me.
He lets me rest in meadow grass,
And leads me to calm streams,
He helps me do what honours him the…
Our Faith
The Pilgrim Church: A Universal Call to Holiness
The Pilgrim Church and Holiness
The concept of the Church as viator or pilgrim has caused much difficulty in the…
Catholic Living
Communion for Divorced Persons Who Have Civilly Remarried?
Familiaris Consortio – Section 84

“…Finally, there are those who have entered into a second union for the sake…
Faith & Business
How To Develop A Catholic Business Strategy
It turns out you can’t develop your Catholic business strategy just by praying about it. Yes, pray about your business…
Young & Catholic
Faith First: Keeping God at the Centre of Your Game
You know how you can tell what's important to someone? Just look at how they spend their time. If someone's…
Tonic For The Soul
The Fruit of the Sacred Heart
Story of the (Sacred) Heart
There are many experiences in life that can touch our hearts; some touch us so…
St. John the Baptist
John the Baptist was the son of Zachary, a priest of the Temple in Jerusalem, and Elizabeth,…

Videos Of The Month

Being Christ to Others - Fr. Maurice Emelu »
We are given many gifts and charisms from the Lord, so that we can be Christ to others. We should use all of these to make our families, communities and workplaces, more joyful and fulfilling....
The Devil: Liar and Murderer »
Fr. Casey gives the second talk titled "The Devil: Liar and Murderer" covering the subject of the Devil and how he likes to spread the idea that he does not exist....
When Your Faith Is Put to the Test »
The ancient Israelites referred to it as the “Akedah,” which means the “binding”: Abraham binds and is ready to sacrifice Isaac at God’s command....

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